
Gosh who else works in education!? Feel my pain and exhaustion! 


Hey!! You seem really cool! But, I'm here to give you a big hug for adding my story to your reading list- you're amazing!


What are you also currently reading? :D and you know, I don't remember honestly! I think it was this one story on Wattpad and a little bit of my notes I had taken in an old notebook  :) what about you? What was the inspiration behind your story?


@sammaglamma Naw your so welcome hun ill be readibg your book along side the ine im currently reading :D
            What inspired you to write the series? 


Hey there beautiful men and women chapter 6 of Moon Ray's is up now! Feel free to go check it out! And me know how you feel. 
          I'm so exited to finally introduce a character we have heard a bit about and find out what kind of person they are!! 
          Enjoy :D 


Hi there :) thank you so much for following me and I'll check out your stories once I'm free ^^
          And that's a promise ;)


Awwee thank you :D
            Have a nice day then my friend :3


@the_unspokens ah thats fine weird can be quite intersting and entertainment i look forward to having a look at you works 
            Yea its a good amount of dedication and love that goes into each chapter. :)


I'll always enjoy a story :) because I too write stuffs (although its weird ones haha) I totally understand the effort the writer puts into their stories ;)


Phew just finished doing some serious updating on my current chapters. I'm very happy with how it now looks as it is not so cramped and the edits make the flow better i believe.
          I hope my readers will enjoy the new update. As i can now get back to writer my next chapters.