@DanTheMan1911 Thank you for your support. I read the first three chapters, but Wattpad is acting up, so I'll have to get back to the story at another time. You do have somethings you're missing. Before you get your draft notice, you get a letter telling you to report to your draft board where you'll catch a bus to get your physical. If you pass, you'll get your draft notice telling you when to report to your draft board where you'll catch a bus to get sworn in and inducted. In my case they asked if anyone wanted to go into the Marines. If not enough volunteer, they draft what they need into the Marines. The rest go into the army. I was in the army, so I can't say anything about how Marine boot camp was, but I'm certain that first you stay in the reception center where you will meet DIs that are far from easy on you. Yes, easier than your boot camp DIs, but still not easy. Once you are finished with the reception center you go to boot camp where thing really get tough. They don't get easier on you until they feel like you are getting near the end of boot camp when you are ready to be a Marine and not a trainee any longer.