i published the first chapter of a new story, a fanfiction about michael jackson... it is an italian translation.. please go in my work and read Speechless there is a present for the first person who guess the right answer to my question..thank you all ❤❤❤❤
@ParanormalAsylum mmmh il titolo mi incuriosisce, penso che passerò a leggerla molto volentieri, nel frattempo se ti va passi a leggere la mia su tony?
Ehy,ti va li leggere e commentare la mia storia? Si chiama Only you♥
e se ti va,votala!♥
p.s se magari gli inizi non ti convincono,vai piú avanti nei capitoli♥
i published the first chapter of a new story, a fanfiction about michael jackson... it is an italian translation.. please go in my work and read Speechless there is a present for the first person who guess the right answer to my question..thank you all ❤❤❤❤