I just wanted to let you all know that I will try to update faster on my books. I always write them, but then I stop because I mean, what's the point of writing them if no one reads them? Well I'm going to try and stop that. From now on, I will continue to write my stories even if no one reads them.
Also as you may know, I update a chapter to the books I'm writing every time I release a chapter to another book. Like right now, I just updated "The Potion" and now I'm going to update 'Reason' this is how I will do this now. Teehee.
Also, I'm planning another boyxboy story called, "Dreaming"
I'm really excited for this book because I feel like it could actually be something one day, plus, I love the evil plot twist in the story. All I have in my mind is that plot twist!!!!
I'll start writing "Dreaming" when I finish one of the two books I am currently writing. I was also thinking to just delete "Mind Games" because "Dreaming" will somewhat have the same plot of it and I don't want to write two books with basically the same thing XD
ANYWHOOOO, I hope that if anyone is reading my books, that you enjoy them, comment on them, favorite them, share them!
I really would like people to like my work :/