
Hi Everyone! 
          	Just wanted to give up I’m about to start working on my 5th theatre production in a row and this time I’m directing so updates might slow down a little bit. (Every time I say this I get hit with inspiration and post more than ever but just in case) 
          	Thanks for all your support on all my stories. I’ve got many plans for the future so hopefully you’ll stick around to see how things play out 


take your time, and good luck on your theatre production, you will do AMAZING


Take your time, I’ll look forward to them when they are ready! Good luck with the your theatre production!xx


@TooOldForThis13 Ooh! Good luck with the theatre production!!! I'm sure you'll do great! :) And it's completely fine, take your time my love. xx <3


I'm in dire need , but I need to know if you wrote a wintumn one shot in one of your books where they shagged whilst paintinb *full explanation in discontinued* if not do you know who , please and thank you


Chapter is called she comes in colors in Music Sounds Better With You 


Hi Everyone! 
          Just wanted to give up I’m about to start working on my 5th theatre production in a row and this time I’m directing so updates might slow down a little bit. (Every time I say this I get hit with inspiration and post more than ever but just in case) 
          Thanks for all your support on all my stories. I’ve got many plans for the future so hopefully you’ll stick around to see how things play out 


take your time, and good luck on your theatre production, you will do AMAZING


Take your time, I’ll look forward to them when they are ready! Good luck with the your theatre production!xx


@TooOldForThis13 Ooh! Good luck with the theatre production!!! I'm sure you'll do great! :) And it's completely fine, take your time my love. xx <3


This no notifications thing is getting out of hand. So I started an instagram with this same username. Follow me if you want to know when I update. I can’t promise any other interesting content but you’ll see my stories 


@TooOldForThis13 Yeah, this no notification bs is really starting to piss me off. T-T


@TooOldForThis13 hi followed and it is getting beyond a joke.


@ TooOldForThis13  totally understand you, it's getting ridiculous-.-


Sounds like the notification problem has finally hit me too. Or at least it hit Seasons on Love. There is a new chapter today if your interested and just in case this problem keeps happening I'm hoping to have a new one-shot over the weekend in Music of the Knights and an update to All Again on Monday. Thanks so much for taking the time to read my little stories <3


The no notifications nonsense is getting so annoying!! Can’t wait to read the new updates though x


@TooOldForThis13 it really is, I have been only getting like 2 updates, thankfully I follow people on Instagram who have been sharing there posts so I know they have been updated. Wattpad needs to fix it


Please feel free to ignore me as you’ve probably already thought about it.   But I have a birth story for baby number 2, based on personal experience, with a slight plot twist (nothing bad, I promise!) that you may or may not like…
          I won’t post it here obviously but if you want to hear it, let me know ❤️


Since all my favorite writers are getting sentimental figured I would follow suit. 
          I cannot thank you all enough for supporting my stories. I had not written a single thing since high school (10 whole years ago) before starting up my stories so knowing there are people out there that read my work and enjoy it still kind of blows my mind. I appreciate every like, every comment, and every request (even if I take ages to get to some of them.) 
          This time last year I would never have guessed that I would end up writing silly little stories about my favorite silly little TikTok series but I am so glad that I am. The Nursery Nurse has brought me so much joy, a new hobby I love, and new friends who encourage me every step of the way.
          Special shout out to autumnsw1nter who encouraged me to start writing in the first place and the Unhinged R Us Discord for always being there to lend a hand or a head canon when needed. Truly couldn’t have done this without you all. 
           I can’t wait to see what’s in store in 2025 both in the nurseries I follow on Wattpad and the one I follow on TikTok. I know I’ll still be here with my silly little stories. <3 


@TooOldForThis13 it's going to be a great 2025! Happy new year!


You’re an amazing friend and writer Joey 


I can’t wait to make more memories with you in 2025 


I have a suggestion.  Carly comes for a sleepover but gets upset because she wants her mum and dad but they can’t come back because Marjorie is in labour or they’ve gone somewhere too far away to come back easily. In the end,  the only person that manages to settle Carly is Winter.


@jemima1800 I love that! I will add it to the list thank you so much!


I have a request (Again for like the 50th time..) So, Winter and Autumn could have a photo album of them before Rose came along and they could go through it with her, explaining their memories and stuff. <33


@Thekn1ghtnurs3ry Oh that's so cool you are rereading! Thank you! And yes I am very invested in the Fortune-Knight photo album.


@TooOldForThis13  The only reason I thought of this was because I'm re-reading the first book and saw that they kept a photo album!


@Thekn1ghtnurs3ry So fun fact...the reason that I started the sequel at all was because of an idea that is so SO similar to this. So it is already on the list as part of a bigger...I was gonna say chapter but with how I'm getting carried away at this point lets call it a mini storyline cause it might end up three chapters for all I know


In case anyone was curious, my top song on Apple Music Replay was Mary on A Cross. So I am upholding my brand even off of Wattpad 


I love that and it's so on brand lol


@TooOldForThis13 I think we’d have all been disappointed if it was anything else! 