
Apparently I can't have gifs or photos in my chapters for about a few weeks now. This makes me mad because it seemed to have worked when I uploaded the prolog for Reason the second time. I don't know but do you have tgat problem too? It really annoys me ngl. But I hope this chapter will make you happy and that you will find fun with it.
          	Xx justforfun


Apparently I can't have gifs or photos in my chapters for about a few weeks now. This makes me mad because it seemed to have worked when I uploaded the prolog for Reason the second time. I don't know but do you have tgat problem too? It really annoys me ngl. But I hope this chapter will make you happy and that you will find fun with it.
          Xx justforfun


Danke fürs folgen ❤️


@snowflake1305 ich Schau sie mir sofort an. Und Danke für dein Vote


@ PrincessNehemia  ich hoffe dir gefällt meine Story 


@ PrincessNehemia  gerne ❤️


Hellöseeeeeeen. Mal eine kurze Frageeeeee. Was haltet ihr so von meiner Story bis jetzt? Was wollt ihr, dass ich ändere? Wer sind so eure Lieblingscharaktere bis jetzt? Und was lest ihr gerade so für Geschichten? Würde mich echt über ein paar Rückmeldungen freuen, und ihr könnt euch schon auf ein neues Kapitel freuen. Ganz Liebe Grüße. Eure Nehemia