
Turned 17 Today. 


this message may be offensive
Ive Started a New Book Called From Bad Kidd to Worst Kidd. Honestly, it only has one chapter and its my life in a Nutshell maybe that's why I'm writing it. I'm quite excited and hope it gets attention. I Hope the people who read my other book No More Adventuring reads my new book as well but also I'd like you guys to know I'm still writing the No More Adventuring but at the moment its on hold majorly. It has a lot of heavy editing to be done to it so I have to go back and rewrite chapters and put new ones in as well and correct all my grammar mistakes. But thank you for supporting me so far on No more Adventuring even though its complete shit at the moment. 




You're welcome Alyssa :)


@low-quality-niall //I havent been on this profile in so long and this is the first thing I saw and I honestly can't stop smiling I very much appreciate this and wish I'd seen it so much sooner. 