Just wanted to say that I completed the Blood Painted Cage in HS over 10 years ago and to this day it’s one of my favorite stories of all time!
Reading Lists
Big update! I can officially say I am now cancer free! Tumour has been entirely removed and CT scan shows no spread since they last checked. They're now putting me on the watch list - so yearly CT scans and blood tests for the next decade of my life. Still recovering from surgery, but the difference between now and earlier in the year is insane. I can actually function and eat again. No more constant vomiting, acid reflux and nausea or rushes of hormones that just make me sleep. I will be taking the rest of the year off still - I want to just be a ball, let my body recover from surgery/cancer/anorexia/unhappy chronics (poor thing has been through a lot) and actually do something with my year rather than be bed ridden. But I will most certainly be back next year! Shall use the time to plan the next story :> Expect it sometime in the spring/early summer please! Excited to write something now I can function.
SO HAPPY TO HEAR! I took a break from this app and I didn’t even know. Wishing you a great recovery. Relax and take it easy
Just wanted to say that I completed the Blood Painted Cage in HS over 10 years ago and to this day it’s one of my favorite stories of all time!
Big update! I can officially say I am now cancer free! Tumour has been entirely removed and CT scan shows no spread since they last checked. They're now putting me on the watch list - so yearly CT scans and blood tests for the next decade of my life. Still recovering from surgery, but the difference between now and earlier in the year is insane. I can actually function and eat again. No more constant vomiting, acid reflux and nausea or rushes of hormones that just make me sleep. I will be taking the rest of the year off still - I want to just be a ball, let my body recover from surgery/cancer/anorexia/unhappy chronics (poor thing has been through a lot) and actually do something with my year rather than be bed ridden. But I will most certainly be back next year! Shall use the time to plan the next story :> Expect it sometime in the spring/early summer please! Excited to write something now I can function.
SO HAPPY TO HEAR! I took a break from this app and I didn’t even know. Wishing you a great recovery. Relax and take it easy
Goodnight hope you are doing well wishing u a speedy and safe recovery. Much love!!!!!! ❤️
@cumeatmebby Thank you! Recovery is exhausting on top of the usual chronic issues but going well. No issues from surgery, just slow healing. Cancer is removed though and I've had the all clear. I just need to rest now and process what's happened this last year or so :> Looking forward to coming back to writing next year though! I have missed it.
Quick update drop - I am home now. Surgery took 5 hrs but seemingly successful. Surgeon was happy with how it went. Cancer is now out and appears to have grown, which explains this last month's awfulness. I am crushed with exhaution but otherwise okay. Very glad to be comfy and no longer attached to so many drains and IVs. Will reply to DMs soon! I just need to just be atm.
@Tophat I'm so glad to here the surgery went well and you're comfy now. Hoping to hear good news of your recovery. ♥ ♥
Just so everyone is up to date - I have a bowel resection surgery this Friday. This should remove the NET cancer and likely be the only treatment I need (which is lovely). Symptoms should lift quickly (which I need, very, very ill atm) and, hopefully, I'll heal up fast. So work should resume next year as planned. I'll take the remainder of the year to finish up work, plan for the next onliner, and just rest. This cancer has been very unpleasant, although I am acutely aware it could've been so much worse.
@Tophat glad to hear that everything is going well, do take the time to recover and rest properly, it doesn't matter if work is pending or if you cant update as promised, health takes priority ❤️, wishing you the best
@ Tophat I wish you good luck with the operation and I wishes that you will get well as soos as possible!
I have very important health news. After over a year of major stomach issues, I have finally been diagnosed with neuroendocrine cancer. While this cancer is pretty unaggressive and my prognosis is good, I'll likely be going through surgery and intense treatments over the coming months - hopefully starting very soon. My body is already fragile, so this is going to run me into the ground pretty bad. As such, I won't be writing online this year so please don't expect a new story until 2024. I'll still be around to respond to comments, but my focus and energy will be on my recovery and TWS project (that's coming along well btw!) Thank you for reading and your support, and hopefully it won't be too long before I'm back with a new story for you all to read.
@__Alethea__wee Thank you very much for replying! I am a massive fan of creature feature/monster-of-the-week fan/monster hunting type stories, so glad I provided that vibe! The plot will mostly be the same (some of it will unfold differently though to get rid of repetitions between arcs) and hopefully the writing will be vastly improved. Lyra will however be a little more competent (makes no sense she knows nothing when she expects to hunt monsters) but the focus on her growth and becoming a hunter will be the same, just angling it more towards her magic and exploring what it is (which I never did). Grigore will also have his side told, to help with exploring his side of things and taking the pressure off of Lyra to be in interesting situations thus making stupid decisions. But I'm really happy you enjoying this old, messy messy, experimental draft. Hopefully this re-write will tell the story better with all the problems I have with it fixed, and thus making it a better read :>
@Tophat hope everything goes well. ♥️ Well the reason I like TWS is I'm a Witcher fan so I find the resemblance to my liking. And other than that I think it's mostly the way you write and the plot you build in the most beautiful way I have seen . Also how Lyra is not a damsel in distress all the time helps too . She balances out grigore well. This is the kind of fantasy stories I prefer.
@__Alethea__wee Thank you for reading my work and seeking out more from me! New stuff is being planned, but won't be worked on until next year. Atm I'm just focusing on my publishing attempt and re-write of TWS, which may or may not interest you. It's coming along well! Obviously, the cancer is making me sick, but I'm going to be okay. I have confirmation they're looking to cure me, and will be going through surgery soon to get it removed. Just need this year for myself, then I'll be back to writing online again :) Thank you for the support and well wishes, it's super appreciated. If you don't mind me asking, what do you enjoy about TWS? I ask as it's helpful to hear what readers like/dislike/want more of while I re-write it. Don't want to lose what readers love, only make it better (which I think I'm accomplishing).
I've completed a clean-up of Hellfire. The Patch Notes: - Ironed out inconsistencies in the early stages of the story to match the changes I made later on. - Plot block 2 fits a lot better now (it was written on the fly as jumping straight to plot block 3 was moving things along too quickly. It showed). - I've removed my accidental 'comments'. For some reason, when I copy from Word it includes all comments I'd attached to the document, so there were random cut paragraphs and notes that completely messed up chapters. If I've missed any, just point them out. - I've taken on board criticisms, especially during plot block 4, which I was aware was going to be a problem, I seem to struggle writing that sort of drama smoothly first time. Chapters 45-49 have had some major work to remove repetitions and iron out the flow of Susan's adjustment. - Dialogues have been tweaked. I wasn’t putting across character intentions well enough and it was frustrating some readers. - Sorted out some word repetitions and sentence structures, but won't have fixed them all. That level of combing isn't worth it for me for a document this size that's written for fun. - I've done some major work to Plot Block 5. Susan and Lucius are more united, Collette has been entirely removed and replaced with Eva as I felt she fit in better and removed unnecessary drama, and I've cut out a fair bit of content to have the plot move faster and smoother. I think roughly 10,000 words, maybe more, have been removed with some plot tweaks here and there. I’ve also cleaned the writing up – you can tell I wasn’t very well when writing these chapters, oh my gosh. Sentences suddenly weren’t making sense. I likely won't be touching Hellfire for a while now but if people raise an issue, I'll look into editing certain sections. Thanks for the help to anyone who left comments, negative or positive. I can't improve my chaotic first drafts without people pointing out problems or things they like.
Last two chapters for Hellfire have been posted! So that's finally a wrap. Just took over two years, so thank you to anyone who stuck through and read it all. It's been fun writing it and, I feel, improves on the original concept I did so long ago (correct me if I'm wrong to anyone who has read both). Word doc is 735,817 words btw (or 1378 pages). Even with 400 pages being rejected content, it big. I will be back at some point, although I am not sure when. I need to focus on The Song and the Witch, which is coming along and the first draft is over half way through now. I want it to be as well written as possible, so I won't be writing an onliner again until it is comfortably done. Next onliner will likely be Her Crimson Curse, which seems to be the one people are voting for the most out of the four options. Might put a word cap on that one, I don't think it needs to be so long. Then after that I'll work on the second re-write of Oldworld, Eventide, which follows Eva and set before Hellfire. Anyway, thank you to anyone who read Hellfire, I highly appreciate it! I may be on here just to practice and give myself something to do, but it's nice to know someone is reading and enjoying it. And hope you had a good New Years and Christmas!
Going forward, expect Monday updates as well as Thursday starting next week. This should mean Hellfire will be completed before Christmas!
@Tophat Looking forward to reading it! I have loved your previous works, so I'm sure I'll enjoy Hellfire too!
@LauraWorsnop Thank you very much! Honestly, I think binging it is best as it's so big. Some bits get slow as I build up for events and the pacing slows, so reading at a fast pace will be a better experience than my weekly updates. I do need to go through earlier chapters though - there's a lot of trimming I can do to streamline the story. Last update is Monday though, which will be both the final chapter and interval!
@Tophat I cannot wait to read 'Hellfire' I have been waiting until you've completed it so that I can binge read it when I have some time off work soon!
I may possibly begin updating Hellfire twice a week, Monday and Thursday, as I'd like Hellfire to be finished before the beginning of my winter dip where I'd just like to focus on my health and not write at all for the entirety of Jan. I don't want to have such a long break right at the end of the story and ruin the flow. I think I have maybe 8 chapters left (got some re-writing to do to this is a rough estimate). Would this appeal to readers? Or be too much? Just trying to figure out what's best.
@FrootL00pss I think I need it! This year has been absolute chaos for me and my poor health is just bleh lately. That and the moment I'm well enough in the spring I'll be moving, so I think wrapping up Hellfire before Christmas is likely best. Expect Monday updates from next week :>
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