Updates scheduled until 2024!! Make sure you guys are looking out every SUNDAY @12pm CST!!! I have some amazing stories coming your way!!
Happy Holidays!!
Looking to possibly add some spooky updates to the stories this month!! It's that time of the season!!
Idk if I want werewolf sweethearts or ghostly lovers??
One more chapter in BEINGS before I completed the 10 Chapter Challenge! I am so excited and have revamped a bit of the book! Stay tuned, there will be a hefty amount of updates throughout the month!
We have the next three stories scheduled! Wattpad has officially just saved my life! Expect promised updates loyally every Sunday at 12 pm CST!
In Our House and Tail Fluff getting their updates! Please be 18+ when reading the next updates! They have heavy themes!
Thank you guys for reading and enjoying yourselves! Just came by to share gratitude for the continued support!
If you can, share and vote on my stories! It helps with my engagement! I want to keep creating for you guys here ❤️