
@yeahthatswrite aww I'm so glad my advice helped you :) I do have a friend who love to write and we made up a story once on a train so I'm sort of co-writing that but I think once that's up and running I might try to put on of my ideas down... Maybe  but thank you for your support and don't be afraid to message me either 


@yeahthatswrite aww I'm so glad my advice helped you :) I do have a friend who love to write and we made up a story once on a train so I'm sort of co-writing that but I think once that's up and running I might try to put on of my ideas down... Maybe  but thank you for your support and don't be afraid to message me either 


@Tordie Wasn't useful?!? AND WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T HAVE THE SKILLS DUDE YOU OBVIOUSLY KNOW HOW THIS GAME IS PLAYED. All you have to do is start writing and you'll get better as you go along. You won't turn into JK Rowling or Hemingway overnight. ;) But practice practice practice. There's my advice. Your advice was great! Thanks a bunch. :) Message me anytime!


@yeahthatswrite hahaha no I don't think I'll write a story anytime soon I have the imagetion for writing just not the skill. As for the writers block... You started the story with an idea of what the storyline would be like right?? So my advice would be to write down what those ideas were and then expand them and I find from there I think 'oh that could happen' or ' I need something to lead up to this' and then write down those ideas and basically keep expanding this you get the bases of the your chapters :) sorry if this advice isn't useful to you it's just what I do


Oh hello!!! I really love your story.. And the chaper it was a little uneventful but other then that I'm loving reading your story !!!   thank you for messgaging me and updating I hope you update again soon!! 


@KatherineArlene oh hello there!!! I really love your story and can't wait for more :) I think your writing and plot line is fantastic and i love how you deal with all the relationships between all the characters :) thank you for writing to me and please update soon :) 


Thank you so much!  I'm really glad you're enjoying my story and the all the different relationships!  I will do my best to get the next chapter posted before too long.  :)