Do you like anime and/or manga/light novels. Well if you haven't clicked off that means you probably do. I have recently been diving into writing again after I took a hiatus for a long period of time. After coming returning from my hiatus I have decided to re brand my account to fit the general audience I am trying to go for more. With that out of the way I will now say some of the general stuff I will be working on.  I will probably be generally working on fantasy, action, adventure, and slice of life stories (since they are my strong suits), however this doesn't mean I won't work on different genres. I want to have people keep in mind though that it might take me a bit to churn out chapters, but I will follow a schedule for each project I am working on. That means that I will have separate update dates for different projects meaning, I will be able to release chapters at separate time if they are from separate projects. The result I want to get with spacing out my work is that the quality will be overall better, which personally I will always put quality of a chapter over the quantity of chapters. Hopefully that answers some of your queries but if you still want to know more information you can message me. Thanks for reading this longer than expected about me.
  • JoinedDecember 21, 2017
