Cerebral palsy-y/n and Scarlett are walking around the park and , Scarlett goes to get ice cream for them, while she is gone, y/n falls and she can’t get up on her own.and a group of kids come over to her and make fun of her because she is trying to get up and is unsuccessful. When Scarlett comes back with their ice cream she sees the boys gathered around making fun of her daughter and she cusses them out and them puts y/n on her back and walks them both home once they get home and finish their ice cream she puts y/n in the tub and baths her. Then they go to their at home physical therapy gym and she and y/n does some leg stretches and things like that(you can add whatever else you like).
T1D- y/n has been eating non stop but has no gained any weight and drinking lots of water and sleeping a lot and being really clingy to her mamma . Scarlett gets worried and brings her to the pediatrician and then the pediatrician says her blood sugar is almost at 800 so Scarlett rushes y/n to the hospital. After they leave the hospital Scarlett t pad points of view dealing with y/n high and low blood sugars (you can add whatever else you like).
Dyslexia-(Do you need a script of do you know how you want to write it?
Age of y/n and Scarlett can be anything) but I prefer for Cerebral palsy y/n is a teenager and for diabetes y/n is a kid