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Honestly, Hollow Knight deserves to be GOTY but like, every year :/


@Toriningen IKKKKK, can’t wait for Hornet to go through whatever journey happens in silksong! 


            SAME!! Silksong's gonna be amazinggg!!!


I can’t wait for the sequel tho, GIT GUD 


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Me: Wtf was Gwyn even thinking lmao "hey let's prolong the age of fire and alter the natural life cycle of all things living on this earth because, I mean, what could possibly go wrong?" pffft dumbass
          Also me, when Gwyn's theme kicks in: b-b-but............ what if he............... cared so much about everyone and just.......................... didn't want to see his beloved world go to shit? ;-;


            Yeah, that's pretty much it. The only things that frame Gwyn as the bad guy are the "sealing" of the Ringed City and the creation of the Seal of Fire upon the primeval humans. Aldia tells us he feared the Dark Soul (and, of course, humanity) and portrays him as a power-hungry God who gave himself to the flame just because he didn't want *his* clan to perish in the dark, but then again, Aldia isn't exactly a good guy either so his opinion of the God might have been a little biased.
            So who knows, maybe Gwyn actually cared about the pygmies. Maybe he feared they'd lose their minds to the dark once the age of dark began, so he sealed them in a city and tried to find a way for both races to live in harmony... But he failed and in the end thought best to prolong the age of fire, which at least could keep the pygmies and their descendants safe, in a twisted way.
            And as much as I like the "Gwynevere is evil" theory, I just can't force myself to see her as a threat. I've always seen her like a powerless entity, which I know is ironic considering she's the daughter of such an important God, but that's exactly the point. She's a tragic figure because she has status, but no power. She flees from Anor Londo with her "husband" but we don't know if he forced her to go with him. I mean, why couldn't she stay and rule the city like Gwyndolin did in DS3? Gender discrimination much? I think so, and I'm not even memeing rn lol. The same thing happens with Oceiros: she has him doing weird stuff to the kids but she can't do anything about it because he's the one with all the power. She just has to stay there and look pretty for the camera I guess :(


@Toriningen ...I never thought of it that way, hell most of the theories made around it make him out to be the bad guy, but when you really think about it...maybe his Gwynevere was the bad one.
            I mean think about it, you have Gwyndolin who was protecting his half-blooded sister, guarding Gwyn's tomb, and even made sure that Anor Londo had the sun to keep hope alive; when Gwynevere left him.
            Gwyn himself when you think about wasn't evil, or had any evil intentions, I mean who would sacrifice their power to those he trusted before hurling himself into the flame to keep it alive? Not a evil person thats for sure.
            Gwynevere on the other hand, from what I've heard, has sacrificed everyone she knew to keep herself alive and in power.
            But we'll never kniw for sure, as DS is a very cryptic game.


Choosing your equipment basing on its stats = bad
          Choosing your equipment basing on what looks good on your character = meh
          Choosing your equipment basing on what your character would wear according to their backstory and undergoing development = now that's how the pros do it


            Lmao obviously I'm just shitposting here and you're free to do whateve you want buuut personally, I love doing this. I guess it's like a funny way to give your character some more depth? 