Hello my dear followers I know I haven't really been on here and I'm sorry for that but I have been working very hard to get my photography degree and some you may know I am in college. My birthday is coming up soon. It's the 12th of this month. So I'll be 25 years old this year and well I'm not looking forward to being older

Hello my dearest followers, Happy Thanksgiving I'm sorry I haven't really been updating but I have been busy trying to get my photography certificate or higher diploma. As you know I am in college and I want the highest one that I can get with photography. That is why I have not been updating, I might update eventually but right now I'm kind of booked on trying to graduate right after I get all my photography classes done. I do have enough credits to graduate but I prefer to wait until I am done with every single photography class. So please bear with me with photography courses for this time I will try to update soon. I love you guys and I hope you have a very good Thanksgiving thank you for waiting

Hello my fellow followers , I have lost another dog due to bone cancer on October 2nd 2024 named scooter he was also a German Shepherd brother to Linus. I really hope my last two dogs don't have cancer. Wish me luck

@Toshirolover201714 OMG, you're just getting so many new dogs! Let's hope this one lasts

@KiriMina24 yes well we got a new dog julie a Siberian husky october 16 2024

@Toshirolover201714 OMG... first Linus, then his brother, Scooter? I feel so bad for you... I hope your last two dogs survive...

Goodbye linus our pup. May you run around in heaven baby pup. He had bone cancer and lung cancer he couldn't walk anymore we had no choice to let him go.

@Toshirolover201714 It's no problem, I understand you taking time off to deal with the sadness of losing someone...

Its my 24 birthday today.

@ShilohAndBrosFan its alright i haven't really been on recently but thank you

@Toshirolover201714 Happy belated birthday(sorry I'm late, but I just now saw the message)!!!

Hello my dear followers sorry I haven't really been updating. I have college so I'm kind of busy with essays for English. Plus photography and jewelry making. Please know that I will try to update but I may not be able to for a while.

Hello, my fellow followers. I'm starting college on Monday, so I won't be on as often. 8:30 a.m. to 8:50 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays, 1:15 p.m. to 8:50 p.m. For Mondays and Wednesdays, I also have an online class. Time is unknown as of right now. I am giving you all a heads-up. I can try to update maybe on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. But that's a big maybe. We will see.

@inkweld1021 I just got done with the jewelry class. Waiting on my last class

Well, I have news. Six more months of my lupus doctor and I will be free of lupus. I have negative lupus cells. I'm happy my lupus is going away. I hope it stays away. After five years, close to 6, I will be free.

Sorry, my dear followers, but I still have a headache. I don't have my pills anymore; I'm in pain. My doctors don't care anymore. I'm ready to give up on doctors. No doctors understand my pain anymore. I'm giving up on doctors now. Sorry, everyone. Love S. R. M. Beautiful Butterfly