
Bad news: I am sick :]
          	Good news: I finally have time to be on Wattpad! YAAAAAAAY!!!!!!
          	Still-debating-if-this-is-good-or-bad-news news: Apparently they're making a Zelda movie?! And it's live-action....hmm, I think animated would have been the way to go. I'm really hoping they don't ruin it....I don't think they would, but still.


@TotK_Champion_Link I’m sick too ughhh relatable
          	  But hey glad you’ve got time! Btw the movie WOULD possibly have been better animated. Let’s just hope they don’t screw up anything


@GhostlyAllister It's fine, I'm feeling much better than yesterday! And yes, we can definitely talk more! :DDDDD


I’m sorry you’re sick!!! But hey! We can talk more!! :D


Bad news: I am sick :]
          Good news: I finally have time to be on Wattpad! YAAAAAAAY!!!!!!
          Still-debating-if-this-is-good-or-bad-news news: Apparently they're making a Zelda movie?! And it's live-action....hmm, I think animated would have been the way to go. I'm really hoping they don't ruin it....I don't think they would, but still.


@TotK_Champion_Link I’m sick too ughhh relatable
            But hey glad you’ve got time! Btw the movie WOULD possibly have been better animated. Let’s just hope they don’t screw up anything


@GhostlyAllister It's fine, I'm feeling much better than yesterday! And yes, we can definitely talk more! :DDDDD


I’m sorry you’re sick!!! But hey! We can talk more!! :D


Hi, awesome people! Happy Halloween!
          Apparently it won't let me comment on my rant for some reason (really confused, I wrote out responses like three times and it's not showing up). (I think it was just @Bard13 and @HenryBrand and @petitelavande for some reason) If you didn't get a response, pretend that I said something very intelligent and thoughtful lol. I did read all the responses and I gotta say, you all are incredible beyond words <3 Thank you so much!
          Secondly...I talked to Andy! (If you don't understand, check the rant). My hands shook the entire time, but it went well! I was somehow able to say everything I wanted to say, and he got it. Thank you to everyone who gave me advice - it really helped!
          How are you all doing? :)


@Bard13 Oh yes, very very wise wisdom.
            Thank you! Yeah, it was pretty scary, but I'm glad I did it.
            Goodnight! May you sleep better than I did last night (I thought it would be a good idea to stay up until midnight reading scary stories. I was mistaken lol)


@Squidkid22 Thanks!
            Yeah, so annoying >:(  A friend of mine used to refer to it as Glitchpad and I completely agree XD


Sliiiiiight username change, still me though!
          (I'm posting a kinda-rant thing soon. I'll explain why the username change on there)
          How are you all doing?


            I'm sorry you're having drama with your friends. I recently lost a friend of mine so I can sympathize</3
            I'm doing okay, but I hope things get better for you. Try to focus on having fun on Halloween if you're doing anything special ❤️✨


@Squidkid22 Thanks! That's good. And I saw, thank you again :)


@TotK_Champion_Link it’s really nice!! I’m pretty good. Btw I answered ur vent


So, um, I kiiiiinda think I made a mistake in my last announcement.
          I made my life sound like all sunshine and rainbows, but it's actually kind of more thunderstorms. (Literally and figuratively, that hurricane thing made it rain a lot where I live).
          The more I think about it, the more I feel like I was lying to you guys. I don't want to come on here and be like "ya'll my life SUCKS" because that's not very useful and not true, but it's not super great all the time, either. I'm trying to figure out what exactly I should share - I'm a bit tired of saying I'm fine all the time.
          A more accurate description of my life would look more like this (in addition to everything in the last announcement):
          - My "best friend" has been doing some very not-so-best-friend things and I don't know what to do about it
          - I've run out of youth group twice now with my hands over my ears because it was too loud and I started having a panic attack, and wearing my headphones didn't help :/
          - I'm in a state of constant panic over Physics and I never should have taken that class
          - The internet at school has been out the past two days and it's possible we were hacked and may be missing days soon, which would take off days from our Christmas and Easter breaks -_-
          No one needs to respond or say anything; my anxiety was making me worry that I was lying about my life being great and I felt like I had to say this :)
          Sorry if this was kinda depressing.....


@BotW_Champion_Link Oof- that friend group sucks... Try slowly distancing yourself, and try hanging out and going out more with your other friends maybe? It's not healthy to be in a toxic friendgroup! So promise me you'll try? <3


            1. No worries! It means a lot that you responded :)
            2. I know I should but it's just SO HARD to talk to people, especially about leaving a friendship.....I was ditched by a friend a while ago and I don't know if I could do that to anyone. The other problem is that my friend group consists of two people; her, and a kid that very obviously likes me who I don't like him back and it gets kinda awkward sometimes. It's like I'm stuck, you know? It's tough.
            3. Thank you! I might take you up on that offer sometime XD
            4. Thank you so much! You are amazing <3


Hi everyone!
          So...heh. Sorry I haven't been all. Ya'll and school are annoying me, because you all are SO AWESOME and school is SO MUCH WORK!!! >:(
          I'm still reading all the notifications from you all, it just keeps piling up, so I won't be able to get back to them all.
          Keep being awesome, everyone! <3
          I don't know if anyone cares (and it's fine if you don't, but I'm gonna say it anyway lol), but this has been my life when I've been busy:
          1) I discovered that Little Nightmares 3 is actually a thing, it's actually multiplayer, and it's actually coming out!
          2) The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes has a new trailer, and it's EPIC
          3) My parents tricked me into thinking we were going to see the Barbie movie, and then said that we were actually going to see A Haunting in Venice! I FREAKED OUT and started screaming because I was so excited! And then I hopped all the way into the theater.....heh. Hands down the best Hercule Poirot movie
          4) I'm debating about posting the official quote book. For those of you that remember, it's been.....uhm, interesting, to say the least XD It would also hopefully make me be more active lol
          I hope you all have a great week, and are doing well! Even though I'm not able to be super active, you can still PM me if you need anything :)


@BotW_Champion_Link Yeah, I went to see Equalizer 3, and I thought it was pretty good :) 


@FaithThompson950 Thanks! :D
            You saw a movie recently, right? Was it good? :)


Someone yell at me to get it together and get my work done. I need motivation lol
          (Like seriously type in all caps or something, I need to get stuff done but my brain is like "Heeeeey, what if you did this instead?")


@BotW_Champion_Link Fine-! I'll let you off the hook, but... I'm watching u -_-


@-Wishi_Washi_Writes- *hurriedly shows graded paper* LOOK IT'S DONE, PLEASE DON'T HURT MY RIBCAGE


            (/j <3)


(Whoops, I thought I posted this an hour ago. Crappy internet -_-)
          Welp, I'm back!
          As fun as that trip was, I'm glad to be home. I didn't really provide details in my last announcement because we were driving into the mountains and I knew I'd never be able to get a good connection up there lol. I was at a camp, helping to teach math and English to refugee kids. It was both incredible and heartbreaking, and I'm so glad God gave me a chance to go. (If anyone wants more details or funny stories or something like that, please ask!)
          I have waaaaay too many notifications to get to all of them, so I'll sum it up like this: I'm glad to see that everyone seems to be alright after everything going on! Just remember to stay safe and take care of yourself <3
          How are you all doing? :)


@BotW_Champion_Link sounds great!! I'm happy u went to go there


@Squidkid22 That's good! Well, it's my last day of summer, so I'm not super happy about that, but I'm pretty good all things considered XD


@BotW_Champion_Link hi! I’m good! How are you doing?