You have to do the opposite of what people expect. How else will you surprise them? That's my motto.~Victor Nikiforov
  • انضمMay 5, 2015

الرسالة الأخيرة
Touko_Togami Touko_Togami Apr 18, 2016 11:17AM
Thank you for 320 followers darlings ❤️ Sorry I haven't been on in forever! Feel free to PM me if anyone wants to talk Xx 
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم Xx_Victuri_Trash_xX
Song Lyrics بقلم Touko_Togami
Song Lyrics
I felt like it :)
10 Questions بقلم Touko_Togami
10 Questions
I'm lazy, I know. I was tagged by @LilacCrumpets to do this ages ago, but I've only just got around to doing...
1 قائمة قراءة