
Next Chapter will be out on Sunday!!!


Peak is returning 


Next Chapter will be out on Sunday!!!


Peak is returning 


Hey everyone, sorry for the inconvenience and indefinite hiatus of me just disappearing of this platform but... I have some news.
          I will start publishing new chapters for my Quintuplets book again!!!!
          I just needed to free up some space in my life in the earlier parts of this year that I couldn't fit writing into my schedule anymore. Plus life was rough in the early parts of 2024, but I'm fine and have been for some time now and that's what matters most. 
          I want to say that I'm sorry for just leaving you guys / readers completely out of the blue like that and if I had some of you worried too, sorry.
          Now on to the big question... When is Touzankx going to start publishing more chapters? Well I cannot give a confirmed date but around the middle of July is the goal so stay tuned on further updates for that. Got exams to finish off and a busy summer ahead of me which I'm looking forward to. 
          But as the time comes, and if anyone has totally forgotten the plot line of my story, I'd recommend a re-read of it all!
          Once again I'm sorry for disappearing like that but I'm back in full force and looking forward to writing once again!!


@Touzankx finally the day has come ♪⁠~⁠(⁠´⁠ε⁠`⁠ ⁠)


I've been so busy with my part-time recently, loads of people are sick at my workplace and I've been going in and out almost everyday at this rate because of the lack of employees so I've had little to no time to work on this chapter.
          I'm tired from working so much this week and don't want to rush complete a chapter. Do as much as I hate announcing this, there's going to be no chapter this week. 


@Touzankx Hope your doing well bro. Life won't allow us too do the things we want. So just hang in there bro. Thanks for the announcement. Take care


Chapter won't be up today. I feel absolutely terrible at the moment and I really don't want to finish up the chapter right now. It will probably be bad and rushed if I push myself to publish it today. But I'll try my best tomorrow to get it up on Monday at 8pm GMT. Sorry everyone, I know you guys want it tonight but with my current condition, I just can't finish the chapter right now.


@ConradAnthonyPillay Thanks, I'm prioritising myself over next chapter so don't worry about me pushing myself. Stay safe too.


@Touzankx  hope you get better bro. Stay safe and don't rush yourself. Take care of yourself first then worry about everything else. 


Quick and Important announcement:
          Firstly, chapter is going to be late so sorry once again.
          Secondly, as I've been struggling to release chapters on time as I'm used to completing them and finishing them at 8PM but now in the UK a couple weeks ago the clocks have moved backwards 1 hour so I now have to publish at 7PM. To solve this, I'll now be publishing at 8PM GMT so I can avoid chapters being published late. 
          Sorry once again. Been another busy week! Chapter should be up in just over two hours since this is published