
Hello everyone, sorry for being so inactive lately. I am doing this announcement to tell you guys that I won't be adding new chapters to the raven of dorinveir as often anymore. Don't worry though, I started working on a brand new story to write together with my other story, since it's a completely different theme it will keep me motivated to switch between the two stories.


Hello everyone, sorry for being so inactive lately. I am doing this announcement to tell you guys that I won't be adding new chapters to the raven of dorinveir as often anymore. Don't worry though, I started working on a brand new story to write together with my other story, since it's a completely different theme it will keep me motivated to switch between the two stories.


Hello everyone, I wanted to talk about a mistake in chapter one. I have changed this part already, but just so you know: Seolad folk are not allowed in Dorinveir since they are very hostile, so if you remember the part where was told that all folk are allowed in the city, seolads are not.


A new chapter will be released today, this chapter will be a story about the lands of Raganda for the most part, so it's a rather long part, but I'll start writing the next chapter soon and from there the adventure can begin! I'm sorry for the people who don't like these kind of chapters, that talk about the history of something, but I promise that that's only for chapter 6, all the other chapters will be the story of Torstone's journey!