
Hey everyone! I'm home! I've been home for like, almost a week, but I've been solving a few things for my college entry. Bear with me, yeah? I'll be back to writing ASAP, I just need to solve a few more things and get ahold of my schedule, WHICH THE GODDAMN COLLEGE INSTITUTION HAS NOT SENT YET. Yes, I'm a little nervous, but that's it. Love you, byeeeeeeeee


Hey everyone! I'm home! I've been home for like, almost a week, but I've been solving a few things for my college entry. Bear with me, yeah? I'll be back to writing ASAP, I just need to solve a few more things and get ahold of my schedule, WHICH THE GODDAMN COLLEGE INSTITUTION HAS NOT SENT YET. Yes, I'm a little nervous, but that's it. Love you, byeeeeeeeee


Hey guysss. Like I said, I'm not postings these days. I'm traveling, I'm having terrible throat aches, a cat bit me and now we're keeping an eye on it to see if I'll need to take a vaccine shot, and... Ugh, many things happened. I can't post right now, I'm sorry.


Hey guys! Happy Holidays!
          I'm here to say that I did not forget about TMBTE. I tried posting this announcement a few days ago, before Christmas, but I don't know why, it didn't send. Well, it's alright.
          The thing is: I didn't like how the story was turning out, so I decided I wanted to have an overall plan for the story, and better wording. But I've been struggling with what happens next, you know? I want it to flow, I want it to be as natural as possible, but it's just not happening. So, I'll keep trying, and I'll come back asap, hopefully with good news and new chapters.


Hiatus: alright, alright. It's that time of the year again. That time when I have to take a test that'll determine my whole future and yada yada yada. The next three weeks or so are gonna take a toll on me like usual. You know the drill, I'll vanish for a little while and try to come back as soon as possible, probably with some new works I really want to try. Wish me luck!


Alright guys, I'm hoooooooome! I mean, not home home. A hotel.
          I JUST GOT BACK FROM A SLIPKNOT FESTIVAL. IT WAS AMAZING, GODS! UGH. I wish I could go again. I can't BELIEVE it's already over. It was amazing, it was perfect. Corey eyes were shining RED at the start, and I saw them on the stage from where I was! It was MAGICAL! AAAAAAAA


I'm home. Actual home now. I still can't believe it's already over. I already miss the festival, and am looking forward to the next one. I hope they come back to Brazil soon.