Okay, so I know, I know.
I've kept my books on hold for about 2 or 3 months now but I was going to start in August, back when school started up, and use August as an editing time where I could write more chapters etc. But, now it's September and I still haven't posted new chapters but I'm working on it! I promise! It's just that I don't have the time like I used to last year. I've moved into Honors Algebra 2/Trig and my teacher gives A LOT of homework, at least and hour a night, and my Spanish teacher is the worst. He gives so much homework, on top of my math... Anyways it's just super stressful. I'm also planning a couple other books at the moment so please, just be patient and I'll have my books back up and running by the.... *coughendoftheyearcough*