
I know I haven't been updating my stories and for that I apologize. I actually have a sleep disorder which prevents me from sleeping for long periods of time. So I'm tired everyday. Mix that with work, school, and family, you get no free time. Any free time I do get I use to try and get sleep. So I'm going to take a different approach to writing stories. I'm instead going to release full stories rather than updating chapter by chapter. By doing this I will have a packed story as well as time to write the story. I will start by publishing the final chapters of Legend Of The Rider all together (no specific time). Hopefully this fixes the problem. Again sorry for the long wait and thanks for being patient.


I know I haven't been updating my stories and for that I apologize. I actually have a sleep disorder which prevents me from sleeping for long periods of time. So I'm tired everyday. Mix that with work, school, and family, you get no free time. Any free time I do get I use to try and get sleep. So I'm going to take a different approach to writing stories. I'm instead going to release full stories rather than updating chapter by chapter. By doing this I will have a packed story as well as time to write the story. I will start by publishing the final chapters of Legend Of The Rider all together (no specific time). Hopefully this fixes the problem. Again sorry for the long wait and thanks for being patient.


Sorry for the lack of new chapters recently. Been working on something with a few IRL friends. It's currently in the first stages but we will get there soon. I will have a new chapter or chapters for Legend Of The Rider later this week.


Hey everyone. Looks like I'm back. However I'm not sure for how long. I'm writing on a device that isn't exactly reliable, but it's free of breaks and a good connection. I will finish off my Ghost Rider story then I will continue where The Hellhounds story left off. If I'm lucky I can get started on the sequel to Grin's story. I already have a title, it's just a matter of starting it.
          Thanks for all the new follows, story votes, and adds while I was gone. Time to come back strong.


There has been quite a few problems recently. I keep on having internet issues and on top of that the device I'm currently writing on just doesn't seem to be working properly. 
          So I'm going to go offline for a while. Not sure how long, but I won't be back on this platform until I can get a working device and stable internet. 
          When I come back I will start pumping out chapters for my Ghost Rider story and the Hellhounds story. 
          However I have to leave until I can get everything situated. Hopefully I can get back on sooner rather then later.
          Peace and goodbye for now.