Fun fact one time when my dad was on a military boat posting he saw two people doing the mango tango on the egg plant cart and second fun fact he brought home massive wheels of cheese (I’ve been a baked macaroni and cheese connoisseur ever since)
Wattpad so stupid when someone blocks you it dosen’t remove they’re books from your library even though now you chat fucking read them @Twosbritsihtea would you be lovely and tell toonie to unblock me even for just a minute so I can remove they’re books since your the only who will even breath near me :|
Okay for the third time let’s hope voice typing doesn’t mess up my dad during pride month git a bisexual shirt on accident and the cashier flirted with him LMFAO (the shirts the colour of the middle of the bi flag)
@Giga_Rizz_Ohio and me rn Can I have a peppermint? You can have a peppermint That's too hot for me Bleh! Hey! Ah! I don't like the peppermint You don't like the peppermint? (No!) It's too spicy Well, why'd you ask me for a mint? I don't know When did the spiciness begin? I don't know Is it all because of me? I don't know Am I sleeping on the couch? Yeah/j I think this dude likes animation meme references/j
They probably don't wanna talk to you after the shit you've been saying about salty, I dont. You know one day I hope you'll be able to take a fucking hint and leave the rest of us the hell alone