I think you'd like this story: "XII" by HiraethQuire on Wattpad https://my.w.tt/9Lm3Ni3NQN
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Traditus is now on a Hiatus until we feel that our time can be more evenly spread. Members can be free to explore new clans/Packs until we become active again. I hope everyone is doing well, I have enjoyed working with you all, and each individual that has contributed to the success of this clan will be remembered. You are all a valuable asset to the clan, and I can speak for Rose also to say that all the members we have come in contact with have been a pleasure to work with these past few months. Traditus will be back up and running someday. The exact date is unknown for now. Any questions reach me on my main account @-Silencia- Fight on. Regards, Traditus Clan.~
I think you'd like this story: "XII" by HiraethQuire on Wattpad https://my.w.tt/9Lm3Ni3NQN
Traditus is now on a Hiatus until we feel that our time can be more evenly spread. Members can be free to explore new clans/Packs until we become active again. I hope everyone is doing well, I have enjoyed working with you all, and each individual that has contributed to the success of this clan will be remembered. You are all a valuable asset to the clan, and I can speak for Rose also to say that all the members we have come in contact with have been a pleasure to work with these past few months. Traditus will be back up and running someday. The exact date is unknown for now. Any questions reach me on my main account @-Silencia- Fight on. Regards, Traditus Clan.~
Everyone is so busy these days, including myself, we're all so occupied with our day to day lives now. Which is good, I think we all need to put our offline lives first, but it is sad that this place has become so ghostly, don't you think? Cia and I have been talking, and we've decided that it might be best that this account, this clan, everything should go on a hiatus until we become a little more..Free with our time and start to return. I do miss talking to some of you though, and I can't speak for Cia but for me personally, if you want to chuck me a message, I promise I'll try to respond as soon as I can. However, I am going to take a break from roleplaying, I think a lot of us are, really. So anyway, I thought I should just let you all know what's going on before Cia puts this account on Hiatus. Be safe, and stay happy! Ciao.~ -Rea ( @Dangereux- )
@-Silencia- @FallenPetals_ @BelleBleu @Dent-- @Relic__ @nyctxphilix @WinglessAngel- @Pierced-- @MissGreenPages15 @Reliquiae @SilverStormJinx @K-Kennedy @Rah2D2 @-Sable- @-xMidnightx- @LoosingSanity- @Midnight-Wolf @Wrecked- "If they are to fight, they are too few; if they are to die, they are too many. Tell me, oh great pillars of this clan, how much wisdom was paid. How much virtue was given to bring your clan to such heights." A woman with cherry blossom hair that flowed down until the end of her spine, spoke in whispers, her voice loud enough that the currents of the breeze had every word and it would echo throughout the territory. She stood before the boundaries of the clan. Her onyx black eyes scanned the area, she knew that if she stepped any further, she would be seen either as a threat or would be ignored. She wore a two piece white dress that was accented with gold, it was sleeveless and shows her stomach area, a long pink ribbon tied around her waist to make sure her skirt does not fall. She also wore boots that reached up her mid-thighs. Out of habit, this woman would tug the skirt of her dress once in a while. For this visitation, her right hand does not wield the staff -- Jing-sheng -- that over towered her small figure of 5 foot 1. She was this short because AeRx's soul was cancelled out from the contraction form of the variable star which would mean she is actually of a smaller figure of any form AeRx's wondering soul would take host of. With her unpredictable nature, right now, Freesia is in a calm and gentle mode. She appeared to be around 21-24 years old, but in all actuality she is 1.3-1.7 million years young. (C)
@K-Kennedy "Aha. You see, you know things differently. Yes, wisdom is attained only through the mistakes of experience. But how much wisdom did it take to become a warrior that survives through every obstacle. And your wisdom is clearly different from mine, nevertheless we have the same goal. Peace. Is not peace what you achieve? Or is this clan truly something built for war." Freesia still stood on the same spot, across the border of the clan. She was not able to detect another presence she had no Jing-sheng in her hand. "Everyone has wisdom, I know it, I truly believe it. I just can't understand how people don't use it enough to have a decent conversation." Her onyx black eyes glimmered in hope and mischief, the same eyes she always held whenever she confuses people. "Now tell me Kennedy, please be one of those people that are witty enough to have a true conversation with me. What one hopes for is always better than what one has."
@FallenPetals_ "Not likely help." She answered as her right foot took a step back, as her knees bent and her hands held her skirt. She formed a curtsy and bowed her head. "I am Freesia." She introduced herself as she stood up straight. "I wish to be of friendly matters with anyone of you."
@spreadthywings "Oh my, what a question." A female of 5'3 appeared a few metres away from the girl, moving closer with every light step she took. Her petite body was dressed in an odd attire, fit for a hunter of some sort. The top she wore; tight and sleeveless, showing off her toned stomach. Her shorts clung to her figure nicely, a pair of black, 'hiking' boots on her feet. Around her shoulder hung her silver tipped arrows, and in her right hand, a bow. Strapped around her right thigh was her dagger, and the cloak she wore was open, the hood down. "Is there something I can help you with, dear?" Her voice was soft, silky almost and her oddly coloured, purplish orbs took in the stranger's appearance shamelessly.
(anybody home?)
he smiled a little rubbing his hand through he hair while also taking of the hood of his shroud revealing his green hair and dark brown eyes after looking at his actual face in combination with his Aura one would know by now he meant no harm" I was actually coming here with hopes someone of this clan might assist me, im a swordsmen but my last blade was taken from me and im looking for a replacement would anyone by chance have black smiting abilities?
The boy's steps were seemingly soundless as he wondered across the Clan's territory. His large horned owl, Elios, flying just above his head. The owl would squawk every time the boy came near a fallen branch or any large rocks. After a while of wondering around and exploring the area, Elios lead Klaus to a large tree not too far from the boarder. The little one calmly crossed his legs, resting his handmade bow along side the black quiver containing his bows on the ground beside him. Leaning back against the tree trunk, he simply waited- it shouldn't be that long until someone noticed his presence. He was dressed in a tattered pair of black joggers along with a white t-shirt. The sunglasses he usually wore were hanging from the collar of his t-shirt while a black baseball cap kept his sensitive eyes protected from the sun. @LivingShadows-
@nefariousangel She smiled. "A hunter it is, then. Send in your form when you can and you'll be good to go. If you need any training, we have a gym here and I or one of the other higher ups should be available to help you, publicly or privately." She grinned, ruffling his hair as she then stood up. Lachlan would need to be given a proper position soon, also.
@LivingShadows- His fingers curled around the hem of his t-shirt, nodding his head slowly as he listened to Roselyn talk. "A hunter sounds good."
@nefariousangel Rose hummed softly in thought. "A pack is different from a Clan, but I have seen what you can do, so I don't doubt that much. I think for now, a hunting position would be the safest for you until you train with me or the others for a little to prove you can handle yourself if someone attacks, then we'll talk about a different position, maybe even a higher one. Keep in mind we have a few head ranks available, being a healer would be the next safest one for you but that requires immediate training with me. So, does hunter sound okay for now?"
Though many of you are aware, just a reminder that since the comment's weren't working for some time when the simulation was taking place.. It will be resumed this upcoming Friday. Dent. -Traditus Clan.
Comments are having problems appearing on the books. We've been notified of this so take your time guys. ~Silencia and Dent-Traditus Clan.
@Monochrome-- [It is indeed. We're fine to stretch this on until it start's running. I'm not going to postpone it again, but instead let people comment. The starting post's are there and when the individual can comment they will. Any luck so far though?]
Attention to all those participating, The simulation will be held in the next 20 minutes. Participants will need to comment on the "Simulation room" in the Clan manor, and then on the T.A.P Arena. Everything will be explained there.
Tristen lay on the grounds of the territory. Laziness had seemingly took hold of him. He dressed in normal attire, the black fitted jumper he wore to ward of the chilly breeze, (and conceal the Armour underneath) though his element sufficed enough to keep him warm. His dark blue eye's seemed to watch with concentration at the small flame dance in his palm. He noticed that with every memory he seemed to recall, the color of the flame seemed to be influenced by the emotion he felt regarding that certain memory. His thoughts seemed to drift, he was not oblivious to his surroundings however. The color remained it's usual fiery red before oddly beginning to turn purple, this caused him to shake his head once, before he balled his fists allowing it to extinguish, leaving only traces of smoke to vanish into the air. He sat up then only to stand,the sheath of his dagger clinking along his waist as he made his way back to the clan house.
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