
Crap didn't mean for notifications there


Url Ybh vg'f Ryyr yznb. Naljnl V znqr guvf nppbhag jnl onpx jura naq V zbfgyl hfrq vg sbe rnfvyl ernqvat fuvggl bar qverpgvba naq perrclcnfgn svpf orpnhfr V unir ab yvsr. Gb abg envfr fhfcvpvbaf (va gur pnfr lbh-xabj-jub vf jngpuvat) jr pbhyq gnyx yvxr jr qvqa'g xabj rnpu bgure ba urer. Qnza V fbhaq yvxr V'z va n fcl qenzn. Yvxr ZV Uvtu? Lbh erzrzore gung? Vg jnf shpxva jvyq. Naljnl V qvqa'g jnag gb nqq zber pbashfvba. Guvf vf Ryyr gnyxvat.
          Naq lrf.
          Zl pbzzragf ba lbhe neg jrer fvaprer. (Nyfb shpx zr qhqr jr'ir obgu vzcebirq fb zhpu)
          Don't wanna sound weird but don't translate it with other people around it'll just *ahem* 'confuse' them. 
          Use and translate from specifically rot13 if you can. If it makes no sense, don't bother figure it out ;^)