My mother dropped off her Granbull, Skrunchie, with 22 and I for her surgery here in Nimbasa. The surgery is for Skrunchie, not my mother. There is no scalpel in Unova that could do surgery on my mother, for the instant that it attempts to pierce her flesh, it would simply shatter like glass. That is the curse of the Kazama family. Impervious skin. G was always jealous. But Skrunchie is incredibly old, as she was a part of my mother’s battle team before we were born, and she is acting more and more like an aging Galarian grandmother by the day. She squints at everything to see, and has run into the couch 3 times (we have moved it since the last time that my mother visited, and then Little Lord moved it again after she stopped running into it), so she definitely needs these cataracts removed. She also has taken to carrying all of the Sneasels on her fangs, so she ends up slunched over, which does not help her back. But she is so happy! She constantly is smiling and doing a little dance, grooming all of the Sneasels and Joltiks around the apartment, and seems to have a good relationship with the Sneasels’ mother. Her surgery is tomorrow, and mother should be back before Skrunchie decides to abduct Lawrence and take him home.
@TrainFan23 if skrunchie takes my littlest fidough then I’m rioting not too hard mom would kill me if i riot at her too hard