Translation: GUYS IM ON YOUTUBE!!!
You heard me correctly, I am on YouTube. My sister and I read and laugh at her stories that she has written. As far as I know one of her followers gave her and idea to read her story and post it on YouTube. So yeah, that's a thing that has happened, unfortunately there is not a visual it's just our voices and a picture. Sorry about that but still it's awesome that me and my sis can become YouTubers now. B yeah go check out the YouTube channel it should be named either, Hannah Tooley or swr.tfp.tmnt.flarrow yup there you go. Like comment and subscribe please! It would be amazing to see some views on those 2 videos. We are gonna try to set a schedule for it but as far as we know, they will be updated like our books, totally random. So sorry about that but anyway I hope you guys like them. So far as we know there's only gonna be us reading cause I don't know how to do any other visual video. I, still working on that with her and my dad and grandpa. So ya hope you guys like them!! Also I'm kinda sick so that's why I sound weird in the video. XD
TFL25 OUT!!!