
I’m in Australia.
          	I’m literally on the other side of the world. This is how crazy my time has been during this absence.
          	The life epiphany is over and the reviews are coming. 
          	As my now new favorite Australian comedian Isaac Butterfield would say, “Be a good muthafucka.”


@Trash_Tanuki Ayyy, welcome to 'Straya!  Like the first person said, lots of spiders around, but it's spring so also watch out for swooping Magpies and Plovers! 


I know this is going to sound crazy af, but.......
          I was wondering if you could review my Naruto fanfic. It's called What Was Lost, and it's an absolute nightmare. It is most certainly a Mary Sue, and it would be most amusing for me to have my story reviewed. I always ask for reviews in the comments section of my story, but I never seem to get very many......
          I would like some slamming on my story pls, cuz I already know it sucks ^v^
          And if you want to review any of my other crap, feel free to do so, cuz I sure as hell know it would be fun cuz my stuff is a nightmare XD 


          IF you would ever read this message, please know that we all love and support you regardless of whatever situation you may be going through.
          May God bless you, and I wish you a very good life.
          Hopefully one day you will come back 


I recently read your book about Naruto Marysues and I would soooooooo honoured if you could take time to proof read my fiction. It is incomplete currently but I can provide you with my character sheet if you consider slaying my OC.
          Merry Christmas and A happy New year to you~


I’m in Australia.
          I’m literally on the other side of the world. This is how crazy my time has been during this absence.
          The life epiphany is over and the reviews are coming. 
          As my now new favorite Australian comedian Isaac Butterfield would say, “Be a good muthafucka.”


@Trash_Tanuki Ayyy, welcome to 'Straya!  Like the first person said, lots of spiders around, but it's spring so also watch out for swooping Magpies and Plovers! 


Hi, I’m making a Naruto fanfiction. I was wondering if you’d see if the protagonist is Mary- Sue and how I could improve. 
          It’s called: “The Auric Glare” 
          It’s alright if you don’t want to, that’s fine. But I’d be flattered if you did >.<


Akatsuki’s Little Goddess
          {Naruto Fanfic - complete}
          Its by @SasodeiForever
          help meh pls and dont die while reading this


I’ll take a look


Sorry, its just....... HELP MEEEEEE