
@smileyfaceXD You're very welcome Nina! :) I'm glad that I could of made a good impact on you but I was only speaking the truth! You are an amazing author; don't forget that okay? You'll get people along the way who will bring you down, but forget about them. There are so many people who love your stories and they're the ones who matter! So head up, stand tall, and write girl! <3 :)


@smileyfaceXD You're very welcome Nina! :) I'm glad that I could of made a good impact on you but I was only speaking the truth! You are an amazing author; don't forget that okay? You'll get people along the way who will bring you down, but forget about them. There are so many people who love your stories and they're the ones who matter! So head up, stand tall, and write girl! <3 :)


Your comment just made me cry. Honest to God. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, a million times over. You have no clue how much it means to me, and I have no words to express it. Thank you. You honestly just made my month. Thank you. I needed that, so badly. Thank you. 
          -xxx, forever yours and eternally grateful, Nina.