
Sandy Cheeks v.v ~cx


          	  SpongeBob SquarePants! XD XD


You are an angel sent to earth. You are a special person and people should feel lucky to know you. You heart is as big the earth. Being around you can turn anyone bad day instantly to a good one. You have a special heart and it's pure gold. I miss you tons and I hope you are happier then ever. You are the greatest sister anyone could ask for and family is your world. You put everyone first and are super strong. You are the sun on a rainy day. The most amazing ray of sunshine anyone's eyes could see. You are beautiful and kind and sweet and and just well my dear words cannot describe you you are to great. I hope your days are filled with sun and cuddles don't forget the fruit. Have an amazing day beautiful soul!


          To my big brother,
          Hey apple pie, I saw your post :'( darling, you're important to us all and none of us want you to leave <\3 do you not feel loved? Well I can fix that right up c: who loves you? Me, Xander, Jarryd, Eric, Cassandra, Emily, Aerick, there's sooo many people that adore you and couldn't live without you, sweetheart. You're very handsome, apple pie c: with breathtaking eyes and a contagious smile c: don't ever think you're not :( don't go apple pie, I know I see you every day cx but I love to read your books, plus, all your friends would miss you >-< you are needed by everybody, and you aren't worthless in the least, you're amazing and kind and perfect c: so stay here with us apple pie, continue your books and keep talking to your friends. Believe me darling, I know what it feels like to feel replaced or useless, I feel it right now, but that doesn't mean that you're useless and replaceable. You're not replaceable at all apple pie, no one can replace you because you keep a special place in all our hearts ❤ so you stay right here and watch how many letters will be sent out just for you c:
          To everybody reading this, write my big brother a special letter @Human_Mutt especially all of you that know him 