Tree, I know you probably herd this a lot before. But I would like to tell you that if you are scared of speaking out about how you feel, scared about how others will react, scared about loving someone, or getting to close to a person just for them to push you away. You will be trapped with/in all of your emotions. They will eat you up, from the inside, out. Just crawling at you self-esteem and skin. Making it so that you start to feel like you are nothing, a bottom feeder, a waste of space, etc. I know this, cause I was there before. And it sucks.
So if you need a pick me up, a friend, etc. or even just a person to tell all of their secrets to. I can be there. No, WE can be there. The people you trust on here. Which might sound stupid, which it probably is. But if there is no one irl to help, then talk to people online. That’s one thing I can say about that. Which might just be another group of words to you. I don’t mind. As long as you know that if you were to go, disappear, die, etc. you will be missed. Some people might be like,’oh well, they’re gone.’ But there will still be people that will sob, be upset, feel a void from you not being there. You will be missed. No matter what people say. WE LOVE YOU! Some platonically, some real love love, some as a friend, some as a sibling. And so much more.
And if you are scared of death. Then don’t think about it. Think about all of the stuff that makes you happy. Like cats, nature, art, books, ships, what ever to get your mind away from that stuff. If it takes reading 50 billion fanfics to get away from those stuff, then do it.