
Taking the rest of the day off. So won't be on.


          An explosion rocked the ground, the shockwave sending dust to the sky. A wave of flame rolled over the area, so bright that it eclipsed the sun. The world went silent for a few moments. When the dust cleared, it became apparent that nothing had been damaged. Not a tree was uprooted. Dust was the only thing, blackened into a starburst pattern on the ground. If one approached, they would see a black box in the centre. It was silent, simply sitting there, but if one could sense magic it would be seen that the box was heavily warded against magical attack or manipulation. If one could see through the layers of the world, into other dimensions, nothing would be obvious. If one was careful, however, a red trail could be seen, connecting the box to somewhere deeper. The trail was also warded, stopping it from being easily traced. The box emitted a malevolent presence, but was also enticing, emitting a subtle post for you to approach. A thought was impressed into your head: 'the choice is yours'. 


Kasai: Arigato for the follow...
          (Admin: Your background picture describes me when I'm taking a test and the teacher separates everyone XD)


@DRIPPYsnowcone I knew I wasn't the only one XD)


Kon'nichiwa(hello) :3 your art book is awsome ;D.And thanks for the follow XD (sorry my english is not good) 
          Sō sayōnara @Trent_Jackel


@ GhoulAnnie  XD


@ GhoulAnnie  thanks XD