
For those reading Requiem's Last Hope please know that I changed Jvonne's name to Jyta in an attempt to not copy some one else's name from another book I'd been reading. SO enjoy!


I've edited up to chapter four I'll finish editing the rest tomorrow and Wednesday. I'll begin part two on Thursday or Friday. Also the decision of who ash will be with is up to you guys. Vote in the comments in any chapter or message me  directly and say which girl you want for the official ending which will be up two Weeks before the two alternate endings. Yes two, one for the other girl and a surprise ending.


Yeah next chapter is up, and sorry for not puttingit up sooner add my chapters really are short, but alas I lacked internet connection for a whole week. The chapter was done but I was unable to publish it. Anyway next chapter is coming along it will be up either Sunday or Monday maybe Tuesday.


Hey sorry for the delay finals and sports have been kicking my butt, and I'm getting ready to start on my Eagle Project for scouts. Been super busy, but for my Christmas present to you guys (or maybe you don't celebrate Christmas) I'll be hopefully giving you guys three full longish chapters tying together the jumbled mess. Please comment and vote because i enjoy feedback tell me what you think and make suggestions because I'm just shooting in the dark here.