
Hi mom! I know you're still trying to figure this site out and may not realize there's a message board right away. Just wanted to say that I LOVE YOU MOM. The lady who posted below me, MommyMagic, is a friend of mine and a kick ass author. She's also super friendly. Hope you like stories to be found here :D


Heya Mommie!!!  I hope your Christmas was just divine!!  So have all the kids outgrown their Christmas Eve jammies and movies?  :)  Enjoy your holidays!  Enjoy your reading!  And a big thumbs up on a great daughter. She's a hoot. :)


Happy Holidays! *waves*
          Welcome to Wattpad! :D You’re going to love it here. It’s a great community. I’m Krisha your friendly neighborhood Ninja. If you ever need any help, please don’t hesitate to ask, it’s what I’m around for! :P You can do that by clicking my little thumbnail and posting a message on a my board or you can send me a private message, you’ll find the link to do that right next to the message board tab.  
          I’ll try to answer back ASAP, I practically live on Wattpad. :P 
          Cheers! :)
          This is the link for the newcomers club! Check it out: 

          If you’re a writer, and you’d like to promote your story check out this club:

          Please use only this club for promoting your story.
          Happy Wattpadding! :)
           Wattpad Ambassador