
Someone I used to be really close to died 2 nights ago. I’m at the end of this next chapter but I also have some assignments I need to finish by tomorrow.
          	If I don’t finish the chapter tonight it will be posted tomorrow.
          	And I’m sorry, I don’t mean for this to be an excuse. I know it’s the second time in a couple months I’ve said it but it is true. It’s been a difficult past couple months. 


Someone I used to be really close to died 2 nights ago. I’m at the end of this next chapter but I also have some assignments I need to finish by tomorrow.
          If I don’t finish the chapter tonight it will be posted tomorrow.
          And I’m sorry, I don’t mean for this to be an excuse. I know it’s the second time in a couple months I’ve said it but it is true. It’s been a difficult past couple months. 


Writing some more of Chapter 13, I finish up the semester this week so I'll have a couple months to write up a bunch of chapters so y'all aren't waiting so long between chapters for the upcoming ones. I appreciate everyone who is still staying with me and everyone who is just joining. Love you all and thank you for the ongoing support!


I'm about halfway through writing the next chapter of LBB. Hopefully, I'll be able to get it done soon and get it to y'all. I know what I want to do with it, just writing it and getting there, my brain kinda feels like melty jello.


I’ll be updating this again soon, I’ve jusst been having a rather stressful semester but it ends next week so things should start getting bacl on track after that. Sorry for the hiatus and thank you for staying here through it!