
In the progress of making a book right now. Can’t guarantee it’ll be any good but I thought I should put my ideas out there now finally. Trying to work on one book right now. It’s the truth or dare dbd series. Depending on if it people like it or if I feel like it, I’ll make one for the killers too. So it’s based on dares to do on killers suggested by the survivors then vice versa. 


In the progress of making a book right now. Can’t guarantee it’ll be any good but I thought I should put my ideas out there now finally. Trying to work on one book right now. It’s the truth or dare dbd series. Depending on if it people like it or if I feel like it, I’ll make one for the killers too. So it’s based on dares to do on killers suggested by the survivors then vice versa. 


I see why people are panicking for the U.S and other countries like  U.S is finally falling 
          But to be honest yea I joke about it but in reality he can't do anything to us without getting impeached or overruled by the other branches 
          The worst that can happen is no president for a while or Obama can get a third term to fill in  
          But either way if trump can be president with no experience I'm sure the greatest nation can survive this like every other thing that happened to us right? 
          I mean third times the charm since he almost got assassinated twice already  #U.SLivesOn