I’m not going to announce this, but I just need to talk to somebody about this without being judged...
I always thought I was aro-ace, and I am. I’ve never been interested in anybody romantically or sexually. Just platonic.
A little but ago I went to a wedding. One of the dances was a slow song and all the couples got up to slow dance together. I felt happy for them, but didn’t feel like I was missing out.
But now I’m reading more fics and can’t help the way my chest constricts slightly at every heartfelt touch, embrace, or loving comment. I want that... To be held and know that there’s somebody there to hold my broken pieces together after I lose the strength to do it myself....To know that there is someone there with a comforting embrace on my hardest days when even moving from one place to another is a challenge...
Now I’m confused and lost again... what do I do..? Is this just wanting physical contact or a relationship?
I’m so lost...
Sorry for dumping this on you guys... I needed to say this and don’t know what else to do...