
this message may be offensive
Me: *reads .3 seconds of my most famous story for plot reasons* 
          	Also me: *dies of fucking cringe* 
          	I’m so sorry that you all were subjected to garbage, at least those of you who’ve read it. I pray that the rest of you who found me through other means do NOT read my most famous story. It’s fucking garbage. 


@TriggeredIida if you think that about your writing then what do people like it for


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@CynetCTalker it shows me that I should never have allowed a dumbass me to write…


@TriggeredIida exactly what I feel like when I look at mine. All it shows is to not write in my sleep


Hi Author,
          I hope you’re doing well. I manage the The Fiction World YouTube Channel (link below), where I create "what if" scenarios for Deku and MHA, inspired by fanfiction stories I read and analyze. I’d love it if you could check out my channel.
          Would it be okay for me to adapt your work into an audio format for my channel? I’ll give you full credit and include your links in the video and description.
          Thanks for your time! I look forward to hearing from you.
          Channel Link:


Hi Sir, I wanted to ask permission to upload your fanfics to youtube with proper credits. Is it ok sir?
          All Fanfics Audience will love to watch your wonderful creative Fanfics ❤️
          Let me know what you think Sir! Hope to hear from you soon!


Hello! I hope you're doing great. I'm the creator behind the Greenbean Fiction & Fanfic Fanatics YouTube channel, where I share "what-if" fanfiction stories set in the My Hero Academia universe, primarily centered around the character Deku. I wanted to reach out because I would love to feature your story on my channel in an audio format, making it accessible to a wider audience, including those who may not typically read fanfiction but enjoy engaging with stories on YouTube. If you agree, I’ll ensure you receive full credit, with links to your original work in both the video itself and the description. Thank you very much for considering this request—I’m excited at the possibility of sharing your story with my audience and look forward to your response.


I like the idea of your Hero Without Humanity. It makes me happy that there are more stories that aren’t escapist fantasies and tell more serious, introspective stories about humanity and mental health. 
          As the writer of No More Heroes, I give it my stamp of approval. Hell, Izuku even has another voice in his head like mine. XD