
KEEP IN MIND : Summer of 18 is only a draft rn so please ignore any mistakes or improper grammar x 
          	I’ve just put the first bit out to see what you guys think ! 


Okay !  , I know i have been very inactive soz guys x 
           but I have a story that I was working on before that I have only written a couple chapters for. I’ll upload them. 
          Tell me what you think. !!!!!!!!!! 
          If you like it I’ll continue it !!!! 


Hey, love your stories. I'm new though to your page.
          I added all your stories to my list. 
          I was wondering though, how did you create your cover for "Would you"? It's so cool...I love it.


Sorry for the late response I’m not on here so often 


I used picsart and used the stickers that are in there 