
Okay so I just wanted to stop by (without coming off as creepy as FREAKING hell, of course - don't mind me, I'm a weirdo, not a psycho lmao) and say that I love you for being merciful enough to laugh at my lame jokes. I appreciated your kind heart hahahahah


Haha WHATS awkward?? It's not awkward!! XD 
            Hahaha awe you're so welcome, precious! ;) 


Aww. A doll, even? *^* that's so sweet of you to say! At first I read "you're a fool" and I was like "NOOOO SHE CAN'T HAVE BUSTED ME ALREADY AT LEAST LET ME SOME TIME TO ENJOY HER MERCY".
            *cough awkwardly* as I said, I'm a bit of a weirdo *cough even more awkwardly*
            And so glad my stupidity managed to make you and your sisters laugh. It truly makes me awfully happy hahaha
            I love making lovely people laugh. And obnoxious ones, too. Their laughing of my jokes makes them less obnoxious in my eyes lmao
            So glad I've not been utterly useless today ;)
            Thank you, gal :')


@eternaldaydreamer100 Hahah oh you're a doll. XD I don't normally comment but when I saw your little joke I laughed myself into winning the stares of my sisters. They peaked over my shoulder and cracked a smile as well. It's not mercy when it was just that funny. ;D part of the wonderful experience of reading these books, are people like you adding enjoyable comments! Don't change that sense of humor, ever!! Xoxo 