
 hey y’all I think to keep it interesting I might kill off inko to add a bit of story and more dad might and dad stuff  and because I want some drama  so I might do that soon 


Oh and maybe bring a better story for Izukus dad


 hey y’all I think to keep it interesting I might kill off inko to add a bit of story and more dad might and dad stuff  and because I want some drama  so I might do that soon 


Oh and maybe bring a better story for Izukus dad


Hey y’all I’m thinking about making a mha story I’m not sure how long but I want ideas message me or reply to the post I am struggling with a break up and I’m trying to distract myself with this so hit me up with ideas and I will try to get out you mha fans with something it would be my first but I’m willing to go with whatever 


Hi y’all I haven’t been doing much of anything so I was thinking of remastering zombies RPG season one now that I’m older and I had some time to focus on my grammar I think it’s time to make the book series all new again and better this time as I look back I seen that I have had rush things well not this time it’s going to be a long and hard story but I plan on making it better then ever if you want to have any of your own Ocs in Dm me and I will make sure to add them let’s make this great❤️


guys I need help I'm having a big bullying problem at my high school please DM me for  advice I need it rn please


@TrinityJohnson8  If schools had good anti bullying system - noone would have to be homeschooled because of being bullied. But at least they won't bother you anymore. I hope the teachers did something about them so the bullies will get punished & won't just find another victim. But you are safe now


@Positive_Creek  yes thank you it has been dealt with I thankfully left the school system and now I'm home schooling 


@TrinityJohnson8  I hope that your bullying problem has been solved. If not - read my friend's @Lily_Ikidney 's anti-bullying book called 'Bullies Suck'.  ( she gives good advice how to deal with them there :) )