
I had such a lovely comment from a wattpad reader via a private message, made my day :) This is what she said,
          	It deserves more reads and votes and comments honestly i check the Indian what's hot category and stuff and all the books are the same with the same flat plotline and ine dimensional characters and it puts me off from reading especially if grammar and spelling aren't correct i think i read the first chapter of your book and i was hooked!


I just finished reading your book! You are an amazing writer and i found myself being able to relate to the main character :) are there are prequels or sequels? 


@Crazypisces cool I will think about it..this book took me 4 years to write on and 1.travels 2. after marriage and 3. is a totally different book? thank you..


@trinlee i think that you can work on a epilogue a few years down the lane. But yeah a book on the main characters married life would be great too though i really would prefer a book on how her life was during her travels and the slow deteoriation  of her relationship with chris. Or hey  another book dealing with similar issues with more complications thrown in Lol. 


@Crazypisces hey thanks for that :) thats fab, glad you liked it. I have been taking time out from novel writing and finished my play but no prequels or sequels....I think this story is you think I could do one of the main character and married life or one before...not sure?!! pls give me some ideas...thanks for reading and please do vote for the chapters you liked. thanks


Hi Trinlee! I read your story "The unsuitable suitor" and i loved it! It was like an actual story but in wattpad, which is so rare to find! Your writing style is really professional. Just one thing, I got a little confused when the grandparents would talk, probably because she has two sets and i didnt know which ones she was talking about... im not sure, but it was a little hard to follow, just proof read it I suppose. Otherwise, keep up the great work!


thanks so much, thanks for the comments, yes and thanks for highlighting the confusion, wanted to know what storylines you like, the characters? etc who do you think I should pitch the book to? demongraphics etc..thanks for reading


I had such a lovely comment from a wattpad reader via a private message, made my day :) This is what she said,
          It deserves more reads and votes and comments honestly i check the Indian what's hot category and stuff and all the books are the same with the same flat plotline and ine dimensional characters and it puts me off from reading especially if grammar and spelling aren't correct i think i read the first chapter of your book and i was hooked!


I would love if you give me a tips or two..!
          check out my story.. started writing recently! my first book.. it is 85% complete named Leap of faith.. :)


sure thing.. whenever you find time.. no pressure! all the best for your job hunting..! I hope you find one where you will get time to write as well.. m dealing with the same prob. 9 to 5 job with hell of traveling and tending to my family.. it's a balancing act.. :/


@Ms_Enigmatic  Sure, thanks for the support and reading my story. My brain is fried after an interview for a job I am not even sure I want....LOL, Let me rest and will check out your story.


hey there.. why have you marked your story as completed? it got me confused.. 
          by the way.. I loved the details of your description.. any Indian will easily picturize looks like you have ton of experience in writing!! Amazing!


@Ms_Enigmatic No, not all, just did at least ten drafts of this novel, ordered and read loads of books on amazon on "how to write" and read lots of books in my genre. To write well is tough. My first draft was 40 pages long, took two weeks and sucked! lol