UPDATE ABOUT CURRENT WORKS AND BOOKS Working on these books and finishing them.These books are currently being worked on because they either have wording problems or aren't completed. Please watching for the new releasing dates of these books and new books that i'm working on. The books that i'm currently working on are listed below *** BOOK: SOMETHING TO HOLD ONTO *** BOOK: THE GIRL WHO FELL FOR THE WRONG GUY INSIDER FOR MY NEW WRITINGS These books i'm happy to announce to @WATTPAD the books listed are books that i'm still writing and are ready to publish right away. ** THE TRUTH ABOUT LIFE ** IN THE END IT WORKS **WHO IS THAT ** IF I WAKE UP ^^ THANK YOU so much for your support and reading my samples I promise I will get these amazing books published for yourself and all of WATTPAD users to enjoy, it has been a journey making sure these books i have written are to top perfection and are a good read for others^^
QUICK LITTLE ADD ON TO THE CURRENT POST The reason i have posted this message and it has been sent to you is because i haven't posted or publish anything over a year and this year i have decided to take the time since it is summer and edit and rewrite and write more books that will interest pretty much any reader here on Wattpad. Being on Wattpad and reading other peoples books has also inspired me to write and come up with more books and it is also a apology to you guys for not publishing books in the 1 year I have been on Wattpad. Being on Wattpad has let me write my words down and thoughts as a young person, because the person i'm isn't the person who likes to share stuff and really tell anyone what is going on inside of me, Wattpad has also helped me when I have experienced bad days and days when i just felt left out and I isolated myself. ^^^ THANKS AGAIN @TRINREESE^^^