Hi unnieeee how are u I hope ur health is good and from tomorrow my pre final exams will start and I will talk u after my exams and don't u dare to get sick unnie and just work hard then u will be free and u can live on ur own so that we both can go to bts concert together...bye unnie luv u and take care of urself and don't get stressed.... fighting unnie..!!

@Taekooknnie_3041 really I hope we are able to attend bts concert in sk together ...... fighting and take care of yourself

@Taekooknnie_3041 sweety currently all my problems are sorted and my health is also good and I am able to study for long hours like earlier thanks for asking Coming towards you all the best for pre exam and trust me pre boards are quite difficult in comparison with boards so please don't let it affect your board exams I hope your exams go well and best of luck for today's exam