
ONLY OSCAR is on The Wattys 2022 shortlist! Am so excited and so grateful! Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who has read and loved this story! And huge congrats to everyone on the list 


FAQ No. 3: Do you base what happens in your stories on real life? Short answer: No. And yes. Longer answer: I wish in some cases! But when it comes to Fallen Angels and demons and the like, thankfully no. Cos I have the fighting skills of a damp cloth. Yes, however, when it comes to the characters emotions. Cos we all understand things like joy and sadness and love and grief. They're common universal traits and every writer draws on their experiences of them at some point. Have you ever added things from your life to your stories?


FAQ No.2 How long does it take to write a book? My short answer has always been how long is a piece of string? Long answer: It depends.  The shortest amount of time it ever took me was 50k in six weeks. The longest when I was writing full time (and suffering badly from burnout) was six months. It really depends on the characters and the story and how obsessed I am by both.  Some stories won't let you sleep! But these days I'm not as hard on myself as I used to be when I was writing four books a year minimum. When the words are flowing I stick with it. When they're not, I'll take a break and do other things until I work out where it's going wrong.  What about you?


Thought it might be fun to cover some FAQ's here. First one being where do you get your ideas? Short answer: Everywhere. Longer answer: Song lyrics, overheard conversations, news or magazine articles, movies or TV shows I didn't like the end of, side characters that sparked my imagination and I felt needed to have their story told. So what about you? Where do you get your ideas or has there been a movie/TV show where you didn't like the ending and rewrote it in your head?