
Hi! If you like Sci-Fi, go check out The Habitats by Xue Jones!
          	She just uploaded the first few chapters.


WOAH, well this is all honesty I forgot this whole thing existed. A lot of things have happened these past few months that my writing completely slipped my mind.
          Hello and welcome to all the new people! Thank you for all the support. 116K views on Hawkins Curse is absolutely mind-blowing. I again never thought it would get as many views as it has. 
          Season 5 of Stranger things is in production, which means an end of an era is coming. I am so excited to watch it and write my version of it! 
          I will try my best to continue writing 'My Significant Bother', we'll see how that goes. 
          Until then, drink water get some sleep and daydream to your hearts desire. 
          Lots of love,


HELLO! I'm alive!! Did I consider faking my death? And just not continuing my writing? Yes. Yes I did. 
          Let me start off by saying, 
          Happy new year! Hope everyone's year  has been as they had hoped. I also just wanted to take a moment to say thank you for all the support I've received. 98.3k views on 'Hawkins Curse', is insane! When I first wrote the book I never expected it to do so well. It started off as a little project for myself to help improve my writing and also because I was sick and tired of the same old plot for stranger things fanfics, that being the reader is Dustin's sibling blah blah. I really appreciate all the comments, they make my day whenever I see them. So I thank you for that and I thank you for reading my sometimes crappy writing and putting up with my ridiculous ideas.
          I got hit in the face with writers block and lacked motivation with not only writing but other things like school. 
          I'm not sure when I'll update again, I just wanted to check in and let everyone know I am indeed alive, I was not hit by a bus, in a coma or kidnapped by One Direction.
          I will see you guys soon, in the meantime...drink water, get sleep and daydream to your hearts desire.
          (Side note: Happy Chinese new years eve.)

