
Definitely thinking that I should start writing in my spare time again. Hmmmm to write or not to write...


To the few that I still have chapters to edit for:
          I will be editing sometime within the next few days. After that, I won't be able to edit for a while, so if you have an issue with waiting, then you may need to work on finding a different editor in the near future. I'm sorry but there has been a great deal of stress on my shoulders and editing is not my priority at the moment so that I can do everything else that I need to do. Thank you for your understanding. Xoxo


Sorry if anyone has been waiting for an update to "It's Always Been You". I have had horrible writer's block and in no mood to try and write. I should have the next chapter up within the next week. Thank you all for your patience. Xoxo


To everyone I'm in the process of editing for, I know it's been a few days since I have sent you and edited chapter or updated you on the status of how it's going. I'm sorry for the delay. I'm not going to make an excuse for it but I will be editing at least one chapter for each of you tonight and into tomorrow. Tomorrow after 3 pm EST, I will probably have a bit more time to edit more. Please be patient, like most of you lovely writers are! Thanks for reading the update. Xoxo


Do any of my lovely followers know someone who is good at book covers? I am in desperate need and everyone I have contacted is overbooked. Let me know please. Thank you! xoxo


@JennySione I will take a look. Thank you.


@TrissaHastings I personally think I am. You can look at my book covers to see my works. I believe two or three of them are from years ago so don't pay attention to those. Look at my more recent ones for an idea.