
Hello There!
          	Tristify here! I am posting this message to those who still read my stories and poems that I have written here. Seems like more people are reading my novel more than my poem compilation. I published them separately to help me decide on what will I do in this account to either publish novels or poems or even self-help books. And the first option seems to be the answer on what will I do here. And realizing I have to write stories instead of life advices seems feasible.
          	If you are still reading my story, By The Wayside, I have an announcement to make about it. It is currently under revision and editing and is under a new title which I am going to show you soon. And I appreciate those who still stayed to read my stories and it is just the beginning.
          	That will be all. 


Hello There!
          Tristify here! I am posting this message to those who still read my stories and poems that I have written here. Seems like more people are reading my novel more than my poem compilation. I published them separately to help me decide on what will I do in this account to either publish novels or poems or even self-help books. And the first option seems to be the answer on what will I do here. And realizing I have to write stories instead of life advices seems feasible.
          If you are still reading my story, By The Wayside, I have an announcement to make about it. It is currently under revision and editing and is under a new title which I am going to show you soon. And I appreciate those who still stayed to read my stories and it is just the beginning.
          That will be all.