Hello Everyone!
I seem to be repeating this quite often, but once more, I'm very sorry that I have been MIA. I can't even say that it has been a recent trend because this has been going on for a long time now. Having said this, I cannot express my immense gratitude at my ever growing support. Despite my long hiatus, I've broken 500 followers. I mean, guys, five HUNDRED! Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine that my work would be this popular, and this makes me so happy and so proud. Thank you all so so much, without all of you I wouldn't be where I am today. From all of my new followers, to those of you who have watched me grow as an author and a person, you all have supported me and encouraged me, even if it was an action so simple as clicking the "Follow" link. My writing has changed so much over the course of the nearly 4 years since I joined WattPad, and I give kudos to anyone who has stuck with me through the journey. This isn't the conclusion, however, rather the beginning. I plan to continue improving, both as a person, and, of course, an author, and I hope to bring all of you along with me for the ride. Good afternoon, cheers, and godspeed to all of the young authors out there,