Hey! Four things. (1) I know that I haven't posted or published anything yet, but I am working my hardest to get my first book going. It is probably awful, but gotta start somewhere, right? I will publish what I have (so far) this weekend. (2) I have no idea how you found me, but thank you for giving me a chance! (3) I am going to start an advice/help book. Basically, I will write some the "life lessons" I've learned so far and things that in trying to figure out. Long story short, it will kind of be like a journal for me, and hopefully I can help other people with their problems too (assuming that I gain a few more followers ). (4) Lastly, I am going to change my username to Eliza_Mei (or Eliza_Mei_3.14 if it's already taken)
Thanks again!