
The next chapter is almost ready. I'm running it by some trusted proofreaders and, once any changes needed are done, I will upload. Hoping it can be ready by the end of this weekend.


New chapter is indeed up. Thank you for sticking with me, those who follow. I know I'm taking a long time with each chapter, but I have good reasons, most quite personal. I'm learning that it's best not to make a meal out of this sort of thing, so in future, I won't keep apologising every time. We know the deal. I cannot promise when, but new chapters will come out. The book will be finished. I will always do my best. Hope you enjoy.


I'll try not to make too many excuses. Feel pretty crummy about the fact that it took nigh on a year-and-a-half to produce the next chapter.
          The truth is that life was extrememly tough the last while, and I have done my level best to get this thing done, but it just kept going wrong and needed so much work to get it right. Even in the last week, I ran it through no less than three people before posting it, because I didn't even trust my own judgment at that point. Every word just seemed wrong and insufficient, and I kept having to go back and re-write things multiple times to even arrive at the scrappy chapter before you. It was supposed to be so many things: Longer. More exciting. More thematically dense. More intricate. Ultimately, though,  a writer just has to decide that what's already there must be enough, and let go of the obsession. Nothing would justify this long a wait, but I hope this is enough to draw you back in.
          That's it for the apologising. I'm back, and I'm energised. I can promise you one thing for sure: It will not, under any circumstances, take a year-and-a-half to put out the next one.